Murray Life Magazine emphasizes people, events, and institutions in and around Murray, Ky. Aims to be fifty-percent freelance written. Works heavily with previously unpublished writers. Circulation is 3,500. Pays on publication. Publishes an average of five months after acceptance, but 30-day publication lead is not uncommon. Query letter with samples; SASE appropriate for return response. Accepts finished articles for consideration, but must be accompanied by 9 x 12 SASE with appropriate postage. Accepts no responsibility of return of improperly submitted samples.
NONFICTION: Personalities, events, local histories, or institutions. Our readers want to know more about the community. We write in third person, but not in a strict reportorial style. Some first-person articles are considered, but you had better be a retired king or Olympic medal winner. Pays $35 to $50 per article. Buys first rights; no kill fee is offered to unagented writers.
PHOTOS: Good pictures help sell an article. We're working to be more visual in our appeal, but we need help from writers. Pays $15-$25 per photo or other art as used, subject to designer's choice. Captions, releases, clear identification of subject required. High resolution digital files preferred (tiff, jpg, at 600 dpi for interior, 5M or higher for cover and full-page color. We use color or black & white; glossy prints preferred; color transparencies for cover.
Day-Trips: Attractions within 150 miles of Murray
Savvy Shopper: new products or vendors in the area
Those Who Serve: Personality features on public servants in Murray or Murray area.
Woman’s Toolbelt: Practical mechanics, repairs and crafts targeted to women.
TIPS: Interesting angles on well-known people or features, or very interesting perspectives on little-known elements of the community will catch our fancy. We want people to say, "I didn't know this", or "Did you see that article about ...." We welcome new writers who are willing to go through the editorial process, but we really haven't the time to take someone from pencil to the word processor. Read the magazine to get a feel, but rely on the editorials or the staff features for the best idea.